The Hidden Dangers Of Leaky Water

A leaking faucetA tiny leak or a small occasional drip may seem like no big deal; it’s not really harming anything, right? However, what many homeowners don’t know is the hidden dangers of leaky water, and how even the smallest drips or leaks can translate into a hazardous situation.

Our professionals are well-versed in the dangers of leaking water, which is why we are available to call on 24 hours per day to fix pipe leaks before they turn into a more serious problem.

Leaky water will most commonly come from sinks, hot water heaters, or toilets, and perhaps even a combination of the three. Typically, they will first present themselves as an occasional drip difficult to spot, but the water accumulation they provide should be ceased all the same. Because these fixtures are those used within a household more often than any other throughout the course of any given day, they are given more opportunities to break down or malfunction, with leaks just being one common method of doing so.

When a leak is allowed to continue, or it goes unnoticed, water will begin to accumulate wherever the leak is located. A small amount of water may pose no threat, but as this leak continues the risk will become greater and greater.

The first risk posed is that of mold growth, and while some molds may be harmless, there are others which are particularly hazardous to your health. Mold loves a moist, warm, and dark area to call its home, and underneath sinks, in basements, or behind toilets just so happens to be a prime piece of mold real estate.

Mold can exasperate respiratory conditions such as asthma, worsen allergies, or even complicate cardiac disorders, so it’s always important to put a stop to mold growth even before it occurs.

On top of mold growth, a leaky pipe can also expose your wiring to water, which can lead to electrical fires. When wires have been exposed to excess moisture, they can begin to malfunction, and this malfunctioning can be devastating to your family and your home. We put a stop to these leaks as quickly as possible so your family’s risk is eliminated.