How’s Your Tankless Water Heater Doing?

Instant tankless electric water heater installation
Instant tankless electric water heater installed on white tile wall with input and output pipe outlet and elcb safety breaker system.

Many people across the United States, including lots of folks right here in Columbus, have switched from tank to tankless water heaters, and why wouldn’t they really? Many homeowners are making the change because it eliminates 30, 40, or 50 gallons of H2O from being above head in their attics. Tanks holding those amounts can equal trouble if they burst. 

Tankless Heaters Are The New Norm

Drywall, wood floors, belongings, and more can get ruined when such incidents arise. Another reason homeowners go with tankless waters is that they get never-ending hot water supplies as long as they choose the appropriate models. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case with heaters with tanks because it takes time for them to reheat. If you have one of these devices and there are teenagers in the house, you probably know exactly what we are talking about each time they get out of the shower.

An Emergency Plumber Get Your Heater Heating Again

However, just because you make the switch, that doesn’t mean issues can’t develop. Tankless water heaters can fail like other human-made products, and if yours does, you could get stuck washing your body, clothes, dishes, and everything else with cold water. That would certainly be a bummer, and can you even imagine if the problem occurs outside of normal business hours? If you don’t know who to call for 24-hour emergency plumbing service, your family may have to do without hot water for an evening, over a holiday, or on the weekend.

Luckily, if you live in Columbus, you’ve come to the right place and found us. Our plumbers are licensed and insured, which should give you peace of mind, knowing that they’re legit. Additionally, they deliver quality work fast, so you can rest assured that your job will be handled correctly and promptly. Thus, if your tankless water heater begins giving you fits, please, don’t hesitate to give our office a call.

Perhaps the unit needs to be flushed to kick mineral deposits to the curb. They can prevent water from flowing and stop the burner assembly from kicking on. It depends on the hardness of one’s water as to how often this task needs to be done. Sometimes it is necessary once a year, but the flushing can also be required two to three times annually. Something else could be wrong as well, though. For example, maybe a gas ignition problem originates, leaving the heater inoperable. Contact us to schedule a 24-hour emergency plumbing service if your unit goes kaput. Our team can diagnose the issue and provide you with the solution you seek.